Collectors picked orders with Data Terminal Collector, changed the battery once a day to continue the work shift.
Indoor Positioning System

The picker is easily oriented in space
It is difficult for pickers, especially beginners, to navigate in space, as they do not know where the goods are, therefore it is important to show the goods and their point on the map, even if there is an alphabetical order of the racks
It is difficult for pickers, especially beginners, to navigate in space, as they do not know where the goods are, therefore it is important to show the goods and their point on the map, even if there is an alphabetical order of the racks
Find the shortest path
A picker has to collect 50–100 orders a day, and building a new route in his mind each time is not an easy task, so make the picker’s work easier and leave this job to a smart algorithm.
A picker has to collect 50–100 orders a day, and building a new route in his mind each time is not an easy task, so make the picker’s work easier and leave this job to a smart algorithm.
Does not require manual updating of products
The system accumulates data and remembers the location of goods, after which it automatically adds it to the map, so the system does not require constant updating
The system accumulates data and remembers the location of goods, after which it automatically adds it to the map, so the system does not require constant updating
Notifies that the product is out of stock
It is difficult for pickers, especially beginners, to navigate in space, as they do not know where the goods are, therefore it is important to show the goods and their point on the map, even if there is an alphabetical order of the racks
It is difficult for pickers, especially beginners, to navigate in space, as they do not know where the goods are, therefore it is important to show the goods and their point on the map, even if there is an alphabetical order of the racks
Builds and rebuilds a route in real-time
If the product was not on the shelf and a replacement is offered, the system automatically builds a route to it
If the picker went the other way, the system will automatically recalculate the route
If the product was not on the shelf and a replacement is offered, the system automatically builds a route to it
If the picker went the other way, the system will automatically recalculate the route
Specifies the speed of the picker
The system tracks picker activity and identifies slow pickers so that the training department can help these pickers improve their picking performance.
The system tracks picker activity and identifies slow pickers so that the training department can help these pickers improve their picking performance.
Hand Scanner
Wireless handheld scanner with screen

A wireless handheld scanner so that the assembler can easily enter narrow aisles where the trolley does not pass, while not forgetting what needs to be collected on this rack.
20 hours without recharging

The 18.360Am battery allows for 20 hours of battery life, so assemblers don’t need a 2nd battery or a replacement to continue their shift.
Large screen speeds up assembly

After testing different assembly devices and screen widths, we came to the conclusion that a large screen helps assemblers see more information and collect orders faster.
Inbuilt Scanner
Built-in scanner to free your hands

When the picker has two hands free, it facilitates and speeds up the process of scanning goods, so the built-in scanner helps to speed up the process of picking express orders.
Mounts on any type of trolley
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Manage your fleet of devices around the world with one click